Register Dynamics CRM App with Azure for OAuth 2.0 Authentication 1.2
Summary: This article describes the step-by-step process of registering Microsoft Dynamics CRM application with Azure Active Directory and generating the Access token and configuring the account in webMethods Integration cloud. Prerequisites: User needs to have a working Microsoft Azure Active Directory and a Microsoft Dynamics CRM License to access the API. Working webMethods integration cloud tenant. Contents: Create and Configure the App in Microsoft Azure Active Directory Generate the Access_token and Resfresh_token using the REST Client. Configuring the Microsoft Dynamics CRM ACcount in webMethods integration cloud. Steps: 1. Login to Azure Portal (Use the same credentials as your dynamics CRM, if it asks you to sign up and set up a trial, you can do that) 2. Once you have logged in, navigate to the option “Azure Active Directory” and click on “App registration”. 3. Click on “New application registration”