Publish Connector from Designer to integration tenant
Usecase: Develop a connector and publish that connector to the integration tenant from Designer.
- Designer 10.5 with Cloudstreams and all the latest fixes
- tenant
- user with admin role
Steps to publish
1,. Click on the preferences tab to open Preference and select Integration
Click add button to add the detail of the new Tenant.
2. Fill in all the information-
Name : Name of tenant, e.g., devTenant
Url : Tenant URL e.g
User and password
3. Click on Test and on success, OK to save the configuration. Click Apply and Close.
4. Right-click on the project and click on the “Publish” button.
5. Select the connector you want to publish and click Next.
6. Select WMIO tenant you want to publish to and click on Next
7. Select true in all three rows, click Finish.
On Success, you will get below in CloudStreams Provider DeploymentLog
8. You are ready to use the connector on the tenant.
Originally published at on January 25, 2022.