Cloud Deployment — Solution Version Upgrade 1.0
Cloud Deployment — Solution Version Upgrade
This document will explain you on how to upgrade the solution from lower version to higher version in Cloud Deployment. Once after creation of a solution in the lower version of IS, UM, and TC, this can be upgraded to available higher versions directly on Cloud in Cloud deployment page. There is an option of Rollback to the previous version if the upgrade is not satisfied.
A working SoftwareAG On-Premise environment with designer and a Tenant which is created in cloud to access the Cloud Deployment.
First, we need to create a solution of 10.3 Version in Cloud Deployment.
- We have an option to create a solution using any of the 3 available Landscapes.
- For example, I am creating a 10.3 Version solution with Landscape 2 type
3. Once after creating of a solution, Under the Solutions tab for a created specific solution “Update Available” message is visible.
4. By opening the created solution, there will be option to Upgrade of a solution.
We have 2 options to upgrade the solution to next available version.
1. Immediate Upgrade
2. Schedule Upgrade
Immediate Solution Upgrade to higher version:
There is an option to upgrade the solution immediately, once by clicking on the button the Upgrade starts and solution is not accessible during this time.
1. Go to the solution created in the earlier version.
2. Go to Manage -> Landscape tab.
3. Under the Version there is an option to change the version from lower to higher version (Example — 10.3 to 10.4).
4. Select option 10.4, select the required packages in IS, Click on SAVE button.
5. Once by hitting on the SAVE button, “Update in progress” message will be seen.
6. The upgrade process will be started and will be upgraded to selected version. The solution is not accessible till the upgrade completes.
Schedule Upgrade of a solution to higher version:
There is an option to upgrade the solution in the scheduled time. This option is helpful for customers when there is fewer of users. (May be in the midnight if the upgrade is scheduled, then less/no users will be affected by the downtime).
1. Go to solution created in the earlier version.
2. There will be button on the upper right side of the screen called “Schedule”.
3. By clicking on the schedule button, the same version change option will be available. By selecting the higher version from lower version (In this example, from 10.3 to 10.4) click on the “Schedule” button.
4. There will a popup to choose the date and time for scheduled upgrade. Choose the required time to upgrade and click on the “Set Schedule” button.
5. Once the time hits the Scheduled time the “Update in progress” message will be seen.
Once after the completion of the Upgrade, there will be message “Solution updated successfully”.
Once after the upgrade of a solution, the version of IS and other Products can be seen under the Manage -> Administrator -> about page.
All the assets and Configurations which were available in the 10.3 solutions should be available as is even after the upgrade of a solution to 10.4.
Once after the Upgrade of a solution to a higher version, we do get 2 options on the top of the page — “Rollback” and “Confirm Update”. Before doing any action, we have a chance to test the Upgraded solution.
After the testing, we should select any one of the options.
1. Rollback — It will rollback the solution to the previous version.
2. Confirm Update — Upgrade will be confirmed and can’t change/rollback the solution after confirming the update.
Upgrade Options in different stages in Cloud Deployment:
1. We are Upgrade the solution to a higher version in any stage without any conditions.
2. Even if the version of the solution in Development stage is 10.3, we have an option to Upgrade the solution in Next stages to 10.4.
3. We do have option of cross solution promotion of assets and Configurations to promote after the Upgrade of a solution in Next Stages.
4. An upgrade can be done even after Deactivate and Activate a solution at any stage.
5. The same solution can be Upgraded many times after rollbacks or for next to next versions if available.
Rollback of a solution:
After Upgrade of a solution, we get a chance to test the upgraded solution. If we find any problem in the upgrade, we have an option to Rollback the solution to the previous Version.
1. Once after the upgrade of a solution, we have a button to Rollback the solution.
2. Click on the Rollback button and a confirmation will be asked to Rollback.
3. By hitting on OK button, the Rollback of solution will get started and Solution can’t be accessible at this time.
Once after the rollback of a solution, the Version of IS, UM and TC should be the previous version.
After the Rollback the same solution can be Upgraded again to get the higher version.
Backend Approach which is followed to upgrade the solution:
For example, “Test123” solution of 10.3 version is available and let’s say DB name — “DB_Test123” and I will schedule an upgrade for this solution.
1. Once the upgrade starts, the solution is not accessible and downtime starts.
2. First DB backup will be taken. — “DB_Test123_backup”
3. Git Backup will be taken.
4. DCC scripts will run for “DB_Test123_backup” to upgrade the DB. (This New version of DCC will be available in a backend image which is not visible to the user)
5. DB migration will be done for “DB_Test123_backup” DB.
6. Deleting the 10.3 solution. (Which means deleting of a pod which contains 10.3 products)
7. Create a new 10.4 version solution with the same name “Test123”.
8. Connect the “Test123” solution with migrated DB — “DB_Test123_backup” and Git.
9. Make all IS and UM servers up.
The user will test the upgraded solution and make sure everything is fine. If he wishes to ROLLBACK -
1. Delete the 10.4 version solution.
2. Delete the migrated DB — “DB_Test123_backup”.
3. Create a new solution with 10.3 version with the same name — “Test123”.
4. Connect the “Test123” solution with “DB_Test123” and Git.
In both the cases Upgrade and Rollback, downtime is expected.