Apama October 2021 update (v10.11.0)
Apama provides real-time streaming analytics and intelligent automated actions on fast-moving data. Apama is a standalone product that is also available as part of Cumulocity IoT where it also includes Cumulocity IoT-only capabilities such as Analytics Builder. The latest version of Apama has arrived, version 10.11.0, with a focus on supporting the latest platforms. This follows Apama’s commitment to support the latest technology, incorporate the latest security updates and allows you to take advantage of the latest features.
Version 10.11.0
Platform changes
The embedded Java JDK (optionally) utilized within the correlator and IAF has been updated from Java 8 to Java 11. Therefore, any Java code in your projects must be updated to work against Java 11.
The compiler runtimes used by Apama have been updated to Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 on Windows, GCC 8.4 on x86 Linux and GCC 8.3 on ARM Linux. Any Apama C/C++ plug-ins in your projects must be rebuilt to work with this latest version of Apama.
The version of Python used from the Apama Command Prompt or from with plug-ins has been updated from Python 3.7 to Python 3.9. Again, you will need to ensure any affected Python code in your projects is updated to be compatible with Python 3.9.
Several other platform changes have been made to the supported databases, application servers, JMS providers etc. Please refer to the Supported Platforms document for version 10.11. This is available from the Apama documentation web page.
The PySys testing framework includes a number of improvements making automated functional testing of EPL easier and more powerful. PySys has been updated to version 2.0 and you can refer to the PySys change log for full details.
The new PySys highlights include:
- Support for Python 3.9
- New standard structure for tests that allows you to specify the test in a single file and no longer requires the use of a separate XML file for descriptor values
- Software AG Designer allows you to export and import Apama-specific preferences from one workspace to another
- Peak physical memory usage for the correlator can be monitored using the peakPhysicalMemoryMB key from the /correlator/status REST endpoint
- Shutdowns can now be forced once any persistence activities have completed. This option can be used to prevent any inadvertent hangs that can be caused by user-written plug-ins. The default timeout is 90 seconds but this can be overwritten using the — shutdownTimeoutSecs correlator option
Capital Markets
The BM+F Bovespa UMDF adapter now supports configuring MulticastInterface for each of the active-passive feeds (primary and secondary).
Want to try out Apama? Download Apama Community Edition!
Originally published at https://tech.forums.softwareag.com on January 31, 2022.